5 tips that sleep experts swear when traveling



Going on holiday may seem relaxing, but the round trip can make it difficult to get enough rest and maintain a healthy sleep schedule.

Traveling, especially entering different time zones, can alter your circadian rhythm, said Seema Bonney. the founder and medical director of the Philadelphia Anti-Aging and Longevity Center.

“We all have a circadian rhythm, the natural internal process that regulates the sleep-wake cycle and is repeated every 24 hours. When thrown away, it can create significant sleep problems, “Bonney told HuffPost.

Fortunately, the key to getting a good close is pretty simple. We spoke with sleep experts to find out what techniques they use to sleep well while walking. This is what they personally swear.

Follow your normal sleep schedule.

If you are only away for a few days, it is best to follow your usual sleep and wake schedule. That way, your body won’t have to adjust to a completely new sleep routine when you get home.

When we stick to our personal sleep-wake cycle, we are promoting consistent, restful sleep, “said Bonney.

Listen to relaxing, sleep-inducing music.

Resting while traveling is crucial, especially when traveling long distances. However, whether you’re on the road, catching the train, or boarding a plane, it can be difficult to get some rest with all the background noise.

Po-Chang Hsu, physician and medical content expert at SleepingOcean, suggested tuning into relaxing music such as the sounds of nature or the rhythms of meditation. Some people prefer ASMR videos, which feature people whispering or using a soft tone. Soothing sounds can help travelers relax, get away from their surroundings, and fall asleep to sleep.

Moving your body, even if it's best for you, can help you maintain a regular sleep schedule.

Gary John Norman via Getty Images

Moving your body, even if it’s best for you, can help you maintain a regular sleep schedule.

Do physical activity.

While you may be making plans to relax by the pool or do a day of spa, Bonney also recommended planning a little exercise during your trip, which is crucial for a good night’s sleep.

“Exercise helps stabilize your mood and helps you decompress, which is important to allow your body to go to sleep,” Bonney said. “Be careful not to exercise too close to the bed, as exercise raises core body temperature and releases endorphins, which can affect drowsiness.”

Expose yourself to the light often.

If you are in a different time zone for more than a couple of days, exposure to light may be key to changing your body’s natural sleep-wake cycle depending on the time zone of your destination.

Hsu suggested that travelers have maximum exposure to daylight in the morning and in the afternoon. By controlling their exposure to light, travelers can change their sleep schedule to their advantage, he said.

Create a comfortable atmosphere in your bed away from home.

Your holiday sleeping environment will be different from your home environment, so try to make things comfortable so that you have the best possible eye. This could involve carrying your favorite pillow or perhaps adjusting the room temperature as you like when sleeping.

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